Shady thought before sleep

I was thinking why a Dream Team of developers couldn’t be a reality.

Right now it seems that are the projects, the companies and the producers to keep things together. Then the developers consolidate around them. And many of them, if not all, are somewhat discontent for a reason or another. And rant (Hey, I thought only the players could do that). They would like to try something else, have more freedom etc…

So why they don’t just try to break the rules? Take all the bigger guys in the industry who have demonstrated to have talent and knowledge on their various fields, put in contrasting ideas and personalities, from Raph, to Dave, because conflict is always juicy and good. And then let a game consolidate around these people instead of these people consolidating around a random project.

And then get a producer through the sheer value of what you can create. Like a reversed indie development.

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