Toying with DAoC UI – Part 2

I passed some time to port over DR functions and maps on my “tiny” UI remix. As publicized:

This is my own simple mod. It is based on the standard “Midgard” UI look that was released with ToA. The goal is to add all the new features (all dungeon maps, new windows, tooltips etc..), show on screen all the informations that can be useful and still maintain a “clear” look that keeps the UI as simple as possible without cluttering the screen.

I consider this a “light” UI because it’s directly based off the standard one, just reorganized to be more practical and usable, saving space where possible.

This last version is updated to the 1.80 patch and should have full support to Darkness Rising.

NOTE: This UI fits best at 1024×768 (not easily readable at super-high resolutions) and is tailored for the Classic servers. All the references to ToA were cut.

A simple screenshot from the previous version is here:

It has map support to DR and all the dungeons, excluded the task ones. Most of the maps and features come from random UIs, Derida in particular. So thanks to the original creators, I just remixed some ingredients to have a simpler UI with the functions I needed without the added disorder.

You can go here to download the .zip

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