Slow News Day

Been busy trying to keep my DAoC guild moving. So not a lot of time to write about stuff. If anything I think I would write something about DAoC, but then I’m rather tired of being negative and uselessly redundant. So not much interest to put my gripes in words.

I’ll keep giving the next expansion some hype before starting to dig it.

Actually not. At level 46 the grind isn’t anymore avoidable and tolerable. You cannot excuse or metabolize it. If WoW was able to hide and disguise it so well to the point that you could even pretend to have forgotten it, “Catacombs” shamelessly made it obvious.

You see, the treadmill is considerably shorter compared to a year ago. But it also became so much more intense and blatant. It imposes itself on you and you just cannot avoid to see it for what it is. “Catacombs” slapped it in your face in the crudest way possible. Exp grinds, treadmills, timesinks, farming. Are these the only traits that define a “RPG”? Is there really nothing else? Running Task Dungeons for hours and with the experience considerably stealth-nerfed in the last patch really makes you ask questions. What’s the purpose? Why there’s such a shabby and monotonous gameplay in this game?

“Catacombs” made the treadmill shorter. But it also removed from the game any depth that was left. Any pretense of depth. Even a glimpse of illusion that you could ingenuously believe. It tried to solve a problem radicalizing it even more. Making it even more critical and unacceptable. How this can be good for a game I really don’t know.

Oh, and I noticed that all the characters with goatee look like Walt (Yarbrough, or Doc Strange, they are the same guy). Scary.

And I swear that the “community” (the larger community, not the one specific to a game) is dead. It doesn’t budge at all. Yohoooo~!! Is there someone alive out thereee?

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