DAoC does something good

The designers are not completely dead over there. After roughly a year I finally read something interesting.

The proposed RvR mission system seems solid and compelling. It goes to touch important gameplay elements and, if done right, it would offer more variation in the gameplay, interactions and situations. In particular they added realm-wide missions that will offer a focused aim for everyone. A good excuse to feel part of a realm and contribute for a communal effort. Secondly, they addressed one of the biggest dead points that I criticized with the launch of “New Frontier”: the endless sieges to towers and keeps turning into “playing tennis” with a ballista. At least in the case of the towers they introduced the possibility to finally make the tower crumble to the ground. Giving back the siege a meaning.

Really, why it took so long to solve those pointless sieges with no result? This was one of the main concerns I had with the game. The new realm missions, along with the “Tower Razing” mechanic should improve the quality of the RvR in a relevant way. They’ll add dynamism and purpose to a system that was static and dispersive. I hope that, once it’s tested and working as intended, the “razing” system will also be inherited by the keeps. Maybe with more, multiple stages.

Good work.

EDIT: And after reading the actual patch I have to say that there’s more good stuff on the plate. Finally they are paying some attention to the early levels, adding more quests and streamlining the interface so that the ruleset looks a bit less obscure. You know, I was ranting about this stuff months ago. If someone from around Mythic passes by I encourage following that link and honestly think if I was right or not.

I’m glad to see that Mythic is moving in that direction.

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