Somewhere else, it’s patch day (and pizza)

Due credit. EverQuest 2 pushed out today another minor patch as you can see if you check here. It’s the fifth if we consider just February.

This while World of Warcraft happily sleeps with the eyes open: “how to swim in the money without doing anything else”.

Who needs commitment to a project when it spills money on its own even in the worst scenario possible?

More informations can be found here (courtesy of Krones). I believe Blizzard’s philosophy is summed up in a post coming from Fangtooth, a moderator:

As soon as more information is ready we will send out Update #3! Until that time we can sing folk songs but adapt them to the World of Warcraft…

Take notice that “Update #3” isn’t the patch we are waiting but just an update to the “coming soon” web page.

Obviously it’s superficial to compare the number of patches or the amount of text in each. Some players already say that EQ2 is rushing to patch what WoW had already at release. The point is that I see commitment from SOE and zero from Blizzard (aside more moderators, more fluff information, more babysitting).

I sincerely hope that SOE will mantain this pace. I hope this isn’t directly the consequence of fighting for the first place and that it will actually improve over time. A true dedication will always payback, a sudden rush without a long term plan and dedication won’t.

I hope they aren’t running because they are behind. I hope they are running because they love to run.

As a related(?) news “Mattew Gallant” posted on Q23 a funny image:

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