Too fun to be true

Ultima Online may be considered dead from the perspective of “having something left to say” but it’s still a gold mine if you are in search of a good laugh. With the recent launch of their new expansion about ninja they had to push out an embarrassing apology.

All, please find the official apology message from the EA Store regarding the Pre-order issues with Ultima Online: Samurai Empire.

We must regretfully inform some of our EA Store customers that their order for Samurai Empire was delayed due to the great demand for the title. The orders will be fulfilled as soon as additional inventory arrives. We are expecting more copies to arrive for shipment next week.

We understand that some who did not receive their order may choose to purchase the game from a local retailer.

“Pre-orders”. By the name you should assume that a preorder exists exactly so that a shop can know in advance exactly how big is the demand and so fulfill all the orders with no risk.

They surpassed themselves again. Score!

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