Lum flies high into the hearts (or: Lum the Bee)

Countdown to my ban from Corpnews is started. Now!
It is fun to see what happens when their bitchness is reversed against their rules. That thread deserves therapy.

I don’t generally talk about MMOs using specific examples (Mythic or others) because (a) anything that can be construed as talking negatively about competitors is wildly unprofessional, (b) anything that can be construed as talking positively about what I or coworkers work on is at at best somewhat biased and at worst taken out of context six months later. And finally (c) most of the time when I’ve said something substantive about MMOs on my blog I’ve been forced to regret it – not by management but by people quoting me out of context on message boards, most of whom cannot seperate what I say on the web from the company I work for, no matter how many snarky disclaimers I post.

Mannerism. “Hey chevie, I’m someone now. I cannot speak youv cvude language anymov.”

That post was so defensive that it was obvious he was begging for more excuses and actual confirmations that what he portrays is, indeed, true, that peoples are mean and use his words against him and against his position and against his morals, that he is always misunderstood. And he cannot defend himself without more misunderstandings! A victim!

Particularly funny in the light of his recent appeal about not take stuff too seriously. Perhaps missing the point that it’s not just about “stuff”. But also about taking yourself not too seriously as well.

But wait, that’s not Lum’s fault. Blame the community for that.

I really couldn’t resist that flame-bait, Flambe, F-Lum-bee.

There. Now you have one more reason :)

(I provoke, I provoke! Teehee!)

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