The Order

I’m not even going in depth or stating any opinion, there’s no ground to remotely have a reasonable conversation on this.

But there’s something that is quite obvious and one click away to verify, yourself.

The “narrative” is that Covid vaccines were “rushed.” While there can be an argument, since this idea is not entirely wrong. People were dying, you don’t want to take a vaccine carelessly, it’s all consequence of risk assessment, and it’s all within the domain of uncertainty. It usually takes more than 9 or so months before fully verifying a vaccine. The problem here is not what the narrative says or why, bout WHOSE narrative it is.

This is the part that can be verified, objectively without any complexity or layers being added.

The CURRENT narrative is that Trump appointed RFKJ in order to pull things back in check.

So let’s see, both the “Covid vaccines were rushed” and “vaccines cause autism” sides. WHOSE sides these are.

Beside the funny slip, “vaccines shouldn’t be immune from scientific scrutiny.” Which is the old, textbook straw man: vaccines are not immune from scientific scrutiny and, if anything, one of the sector of science under the MOST scrutiny. This is the typical “far right grows through disaster fantasies”, or evoking threats that don’t exist in order to conceal the real one.

But again, the point here is not to comment on the validity of what is being said, simply WHOSE argument this is.

This is from April 2021.

“The science is unequivocal” seems quite a final statement. So where’s the immunity from scientific scrutiny when that same scientific scrutiny is unequivocal? Let’s move to the other part then.

This is also quite unequivocal, although you could argue this is merely anecdote rather than rule: he’s only speaking about his own case. Though you’d have to acknowledge that the discussion itself wants actually to use the anecdote FOR generalizing it as a rule. Because otherwise it would be pointless to debate what happens to Elon Musk’s kids. It’s none of our business.

But it is interesting here to scroll up.

This is the same date as the previous.

It shows a couple of important points:
1- Elon Musk DOES use anecdotes to deduce general rules. “So many people” he KNOWS. Leads to an universal truth, “failure to acknowledge that is a lie”.
2- He believes, at least over time, Covid vaccines started to have worse outcomes than the virus itself. (here’s another, if you want more of a direct statement)

It should be obvious that there’s ZERO science in all this deduction process. Again, I’m not even trying to analyze what is true and what is false. It’s enough to prove the PROCESS itself is completely wrong to prove the conclusion is wrong regardless (because being right through randomness has nothing to do with truth).

But it’s funny to go back and complete that post that I cut:

So many people he knew in very rare cases got serious side effects from allergic reactions that are easily addressed.

Something like that. But one is from 2021, the other from 2023, so you can argue that the serious side effects started to manifest later.

Or rather, the worm writhes and renegotiates his “beliefs”, as opportunity changes over time.

In any case, Covid vaccines were rushed, so the narrative wants, this has to be stopped and vaccines shouldn’t be allowed to escape scientific scrutiny. And Trump, through RFKJ, steps in to make all this possible.

But who was trying to “rush” the vaccines, I wonder, in 2020 when the topic was hot?

So is history ever rewritten to accommodate the interests of those in power.

Trump administration tried to FORCE vaccines being delivered before they were ready because it was politically convenient to ascribe to themselves the merit of that solution. Elections were close and Biden was starting to gain approval by criticizing Trump’s weak and slow response to Covid.

Trump administration tried to rush the Covid vaccine, Fauci stopped them.

It’s one click away, easy to verify.

Prosecute Trump and Musk.

Oh wait. I forgot they control the fascist state and that what they do is rewriting truth as it is convenient to them.

They are The Truth now.

It all closes in a perfect circle. One voice proclaiming itself The Truth. The self-making right. The true core of fascism. Now.

(edited from the future, now Elon Musk dispatches orders, the will of the people, seized and mastered, Vox Populi, Vox Dei.)

It’s what happens when you enable and give power to a deranged megalomaniac sociopath who’s merely having fun playing the “videogame” that is our collective lives.

We all are just children he bends and breaks for his own fun and hunger. Just another monster of man.

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