Ahead, but backwards

A little note that shouldn’t even be necessary, being the situation so plainly readable.

One of the bigger reasons why Elon Musk went “all in” with Trump is so that, given a win, he could convert all his previous investment as leverage. It’s all about leverage. Not in the sense that now Trump “owes” the victory to Musk, but that Musk controls the consensus, that he shapes the narrative and has a firm choke on its neck. The will of the people, lifting him up like an unholy prophet.

The MORE Musk invested before, the more he gains active leverage on Trump, to make Trump his instrument.

Right now it’s honeymoon. The message is that there’s an uniformity of vision and goals, between Musk and Trump. But we know how this is plainly just a message, and that the two are together out of expediency.

If you pull this together it’s quite obvious that the bigger threat to this right-wing government and hegemony doesn’t come from the “left”. As I said before, the left is just a puppet controlled by the right. It has no uses other than being ridiculed.

The threat comes from the inside.

There are of course plenty of pragmatic reasons for it not to blow up, and keep the honeymoon as long as possible. At a basic level, Trump and Musk interests ARE aligned. But this current unity is also quite fragile, because when the course changes from general propaganda to the small practical details and execution, interests will start to conflict.

On one side, we’ll never see any of this happening. Because it will all be behind the scenes. The constant bargaining to obtain advantage here and there, the annoyance due to Musk wedging himself into everything out of his competence.

And then it will likely break.

What does happen when the illusion shatters? Elon Musk’s main trait is that he is easy to read. He is predictable. He has promoted “X” as this source of “truth” and “democracy.” A source that he seized and controls. Whatever disagreement, whatever grudge he has, last one about the judge who forbid him getting paid more, turns into a public lynching. The will of the people.

The moment you upset Elon Musk, is the moment you cross the will of the people. And the people will rise up, against you. The same way his will blends with Trump’s, disappears and blends into the greater will of the people. It’s not two to one, but three into one. All three the same.

Elon Musk strategy is to camouflage himself and let people speak with his own disguised voice. To then re-broadcast and make his own. So that he dominates and controls without being seen.

The same strategy that was used to make Trump win, will be the strategy to take him down when he overstays his function.

Elon Musk made Trump win because Trump is expendable.

Because Trump is WEAK.

Elon Musk made Trump win so that Trump were to believe he was weak, so that he would have to continue to lean and depend on Elon Musk. Knowing that even a little sidestep would mean his own end. The stronger the victory the stronger the bond. But with only one being truly in control. The one who seized expediency to make himself irreplaceable. Because you can’t replace the will of the people.

Vox populi, vox Dei.

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