SirBruce’s EQ2

From a post he wrote on F13:

You guys are playing a different game. The game servers are stable? They’re down all the time. Lagtonica still isn’t fixed. The quests are stable? I’ve got about 3 quests that are currently broken, plus numerous others that need adjustment. Spawns in dungeons are still messed up, solo mobs are missing left and right, there are placeholder names on many of the higher-level continents which have only barely been tested at this point. This doesn’t even address the numerous other bugs in the game, plus areas where the design needs to be revamped (quest system, outdoor maps), and they haven’t even introduced the character customizability system yet.

And then once you’ve done all that, if you’re smart you’d still let it run for another month to test your QA procedures (which have failed almost every patch released so far), your CS procedures (which are demonstrably lacking at this point), your system maintenance and DB procedures (again, F on this so far), and spend time optimizing for performance.


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