I was thinking: go on and make the PvE game harder in the initial levels like you said, now that the game is losing players and that the servers are almost completely empty. Especially the low level zones, I’d guess.
On Q23 I was reading this comment, likely from someone who played recently:
On the PQs, I think it’s still a brilliant concept. No, you can’t make it THAT challenging – these aren’t coordinated groups. But it does foster some grouping and player interaction. I still think those are the best part of WAR. The challenge is that they’re abandoned now. I’m not sure how you overcome that…but on release I LOVED the PQs.
The kind of problem we pointed out at release. Public quests are a broken design concept if you don’t implement a scaling/adapting dynamic.
But then go on and put the nails on the coffin, it is surely better than the slow agony.
Warhammer failed and is sinking not because of technical competency, lack of resources or lack of support from EA. It failed because of very bad game design all around.