The last publication date I had read about Dust of Dreams was the beginning of September.
Calculating things and comparing dates to previous occasions it was about the time we received the prologue for the book, followed by its cover.
Latest news are slightly different, but still quite good: Erikson is later then usual finishing this book. The reason seems partly about some “massive battle scenes” that conclude the book and that are taking more time than usual. The book is still scheduled for the same date but it may get delayed (still within the year almost for sure).
Hetan on Malazan forums was more precise and said that currently Erikson is working on the last two chapters of the book (by Erikson’s standard about 90 pages on a total of 900). We’re close, and the book requiring more work is a good thing, even if “massive battle scenes” don’t work as a solid argument for me. I prefer strong, meaningful plot with the right revelations and things falling smoothly in their right place. Diversions! Deceits! Reversals! Upheavals! The exhibition of cool things is nice, but a coat of shiny paint over what’s meaningful.
I already commented that I find him less incisive when he tries too much to impress. I expect from Erikson so much more than pretty fireworks.
I want sleight of hand.