Messing with feeds

I’m still messing with the feeds. I’ve added a general gaming news site that was linked at Q23 and I hacked the code in the “aggregator.module” to discard the dates of the feeds completely. This because the parser doesn’t consider the timezones so the news go all mixed and it’s impossible to sort them in an useful way.

Right now I’m using a workaround to call the module since I don’t have acces to cron. So each time someone enter this site, the site checks if the news feeds have been parsed recently. If they were parsed more than one hour before the module is called and updated. This means that now the news will tend to have a similar timestamp but at least NEW entries will appear at the top and not randomly.

If noone accesses the site the module isn’t called at all, so it could update only every many hours, all at once. I’m currently searching a solution.

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