Jessica Mulligan quits

As spoiled through Grimwell it seems that Jessica Mulligan is leaving Turbine. She “was” the Executive Producer of the doomed Asheron’s Call franchise and also one of the few valuable persons in the industry with some brain. This is why I commented the news with a “standing ovation”, as an encouragement. Whatever will happen I hope it will be for the better.

The news came from Asheron’s Call April letter from the team.

2: I’m leaving the AC Team and Turbine. Today is my last day here.

Before the conspiracy theorists drown out the rest of us, this is in no way connected with the launch delay discussed above. In fact, I, among others, lobbied hard to get that delay and the fact that we got it – even though Turbine is going to take a financial hit on marketing and distribution money that has already been spent and a confidence hit with some of your fellow players – should prove that this company is committed to giving you quality. In the old adage of “You can have it good or you can have it Tuesday,” the company chose the former. How many times have we seen companies choose Tuesday, instead? It doesn’t guarantee a flawless launch, but it does reduce the risks to one and that’s the best any of us can hope for.

So, no, the reason I’m leaving isn’t about the delay; my reasons are my own and don’t involve dark portents. (Remember, the Illuminati have nothing to do with my leaving. No, really. Honest.) In the meantime, you are in good hands with srand as Live Producer, backed up by Ibn, meanbeard, Scenario and the rest of the crew, some of the best developers I’ve ever worked with. Almost all of them came to the team as AC players – one of you and a part of you, in fact – with years of experience in the game; I don’t think any other MMORPG can say that about their Live Team.

I’ll still be around the industry, but I’m going to miss the team and I’m going to miss you guys. AC is still my favorite online RPG; I played it long before joining Turbine and I’ll be exploring Dereth years from now. For all that a few of you are the most cantankerous players on the face of the earth, as a whole you’re the best community I’ve been part of to date. After nineteen years and being part of more MMOGs than perhaps anyone in the industry, that’s saying something. It has been a privilege to serve you, truly.

And who knows? Maybe one day I’ll actually make it out of the Training Academy on Darktide without getting ganked.

– Jessica

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