Again on PvP factional balance and server load

Maybe someone remembers my idea. It was about clustering the servers and using a system of portals to regulate the population and spread all the players evenly between the factions and the servers.

Right now Blizzard is severely suffering both (faction and server unbalance). I’m sure everyone can agree that overlooking these fundamental problems isn’t anymore acceptable and Blizzard’s server transfers aren’t going to have a relevant impact.

I pull back up this argument because Jeff Freeman wrote a wonderful article.

He explains magnifically the problems and suggests a structure usable in both PvP and PvE. I believe someone else could be interested beside me. So it’s there if you want to discuss. I’d suggest Mythic to hire him if he wasn’t already taken.

I’m going to write about it as I have time but there are a few weaknesses in his proposed system, imho. Still I’m happy to see I’m not the only one to consider this aspect and propose ideas.

(as posted on Q23)

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