I managed to get in. I finally have my own account and I feel like it’s Christmas.
As always when I start with a new mmorpg I start to dream about fancy ideas that never become concrete. For example I’d like to build a good guild instead of feeling always unsatisfied and always searching something where I can have fun and build some cooperation.
I’ve been in both small and well-known, bigger guilds but the cooperation has always been an element put aside. Sure, in every guild small groups are built where there’s a real cohesion but I’ve never seen the cooperation as the true focus. And that’s what I’d like to build. A decent guild of mature players with the focus on the cooperation, trying to have a relevant role in the PvP competition. With some ambition, I mean, goals to accomplish, but without betraying the idea that its reason to exist is about playing together to build something bigger and more compelling than a single character.
So I have made my dwarf warrior, on the East/PvP/alliance/Mannoroth server. Its name is Kadath and he has that dream to build “The Defenders” guild.
But everyone knows that I may have good ideas but without the actual ability to make them concrete.