Yet Another Man Who Ensorcelled The World

The comments are funny and interesting. One of Musk’s talking points is how when you are expert in a certain area, you suddenly realize how many falsities are being spread about it.

It applies pretty well to his own propaganda, every time you know what he talks about you also know how false it is.

And there’s always this lingering question left. If the fraud is so obvious… why does it WORK?

Even John Carmack came to his defense, and I don’t have any reason to doubt he wasn’t honest about it.

Like the censorship and manipulation on X, he culls and shapes through heuristics. Simply maximizes yields.

It’s the oldest rule: it doesn’t matter whether something is true or not as long enough people believe it.

He’s not even hiding his tracks… because in the end it doesn’t matter.


EDIT: more eloquence. And doubletake, because emphasis is everything here

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