Stupid Sincerity

Not much to comment when what’s written here is so eloquent by itself.

The second is a literal call for war in the name of supremacist ideology (under the usual coat of victimism). Not specifically white supremacy, here, but if you’ve seen the overall context you can deduce the answer on your own.

This stops being political propaganda “for Trump.” This is unhinged. Completely lost contact with reality. At this point this doesn’t need any external intervention, Elon Musk will drive himself into a wall, unassisted. Just need to be patient and observe, I guess.

I said it before, but now it’s plain: Elon Musk is waging war on reality itself.

He’s like a toddler with a giant gun. You can imagine the consequences.


Edit: by the way, let me add a little layer. Posting this crap is easy as a way to criticize the guy. I don’t write down the complexities that go on behind, but then I realize by doing this I just participate in the same broken game. So, beside pointing an accusing finger to the bad guy, there’s a more interesting part here… Why has he posted that first thing?

There’s always this layer. It’s easy and effective to just point the finger to something so plainly WRONG. And that’s quite enough. But if you care about understanding, rather than judging, then there’s more. At least a little bit more. So WHY has he posted something so obviously unhinged? Something that not even Trump would have endorsed?

You could say that Elon is THAT crazy, just shitposting on his own network without giving a single fuck. That kind of ruthlessness and rash sincerity that people seem to love.

But this is, from my point of view, a little bit more and a little bit less. He currently has a beef with Robert Reich, who wrote an article for The Guardian. Openly body shaming isn’t even that surprising.

He likely didn’t intend to “share” the sexist ideology in that image. His mind simply clamped on the positive response triggered by the mocking of Reich’s masculinity. He felt giddy and playful. His brain “folded” there, around his current primary obsession: to hate the guy and see him humiliated. Enough to completely ignore the WARNING flashing sign, of giving way to such blatant misogynistic ideology. His focus blindsided him from the whole context, enough for him to become the butt of the joke.

Just another simple mind.
(Btw, it’s neuroAtypical, neuro-atypical. A-neurotypical must be some creative invention by someone who’s clearly very neurotypical and lobotomized by that same consensus filter they believe being immune from. You’ve swallowed propaganda whole, high T man with a deep throat. Autistic, you are not. Plain fucking dumb and maybe in serious need of help, yes.)

Edit 2:
… there’s, huh, a darker turn about this first message. I can’t find the original, that message is spammed multiple times within 4chan (and the image is at least a few years old). But there are higher resolution versions of the image, enough to be able to see clearly that part of that tiny subtitle says: “He is worse than a Yew.” I’m unaware of the context of the image. It’s funny in a darker kind of way that a simple image from 4chan triggers this sort of Qanon conspiracy derail, but. In the light of this simple coincidence (?), the line “also known as the REICH effect” seems to assume a different meaning. The words were already quite fascist on their own. Mind, this is the sort of pattern matching that powers the greatest delusions. I definitely don’t believe there was actual intent with this ominous hidden meaning…

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