Age of Conan leaked video

There’s a one-minute video of in-game footage showing combat in super-low blurry resolution.

For what I can see it is fun as noone is able to think an interface that isn’t the carbon copy of WoW. You remember Diablo and then all the clones with the health ball in a corner and the mana ball in the other? We are at that point. Blizzard didn’t make the perfect interface, but they surely have now the hegemony of game design. Noone can think out of the box.

Should I say something about combat? I don’t know. If I remember correctly AoC has that “ring” system where you choose the direction of the attack. It is vaguely reminiscent of the system I wanted to use for the first version of my “dream mmorpg”, with the differece that I wanted a system of gems that not only took in consideration the positioning, but also chaining different attacks for various combos (the gems would be “context sensitive” meaning that you see only those attacks pertinent to your current state, also vaguely reminiscent of Babylona’s idea -now a porn site, heh..-). But this system looked too mechanical and convoluted, so I discarded it entirely for another much more visceral and intuitive.

One interesting idea in AoC seems similar to the Dervish class in Guild Wars. You swing your weapon and whoever happens to be in its arc, takes damage. So you can score multiple hits with one swing.

For the rest it is hard to judge. To me it looks like WoW with Age of Conan skins, poor animations and lots of sliding (they swing their swords like bats in baseball, lots of paddling).

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